In this guide we will cover what encryption is, how to encrypt and decrypt files on Linux, and how to securely delete files.
What is encryption?
Encryption is the process of converting text, files, or folders into ciphertext. Ciphertext data is unreadable without decrypting the data first. Encryption is a fundamental aspect of data security, and is utilized every day in things like HTTPS/SSL connections to websites, and credit card payment processing inside of stores.
What are the different types of encryption?
- Symmetric encryption
- The same “key” is used for both encryption and decryption
- It is fast and efficient
- Examples: AES (Advances Encryption Standard), Blowfish, Twofish
- Asymmetric encryption
- A pair of keys are used: a public key for encryption and a private key for decryption
- Enhanced security as only the private key can decrypt the data
- Examples: RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman), ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography)
- Hash functions
- Ensures data integrity, producing a fixed-size string (hash)
- Not “decrypted”, but instead a correctly entered password matches the hash
- Examples: SHA-256 (Secure Hash Algorithm 256-bit), MD5 (Message Digest Algorithm 5)
How to encrypt/decrypt files and folders with GPG
SHA-1 has been found to have vulnerabilities in the form of collision attacks. A collision occurs when two different inputs produce the same hash output. This would allow a file to be decrypted even without the correct password. Despite being deprecated by NIST since 2010, GPG version 2.0 and older still uses SHA-1 as it’s default hash function.
SHA-256 is a newer and more secure hash function. It uses larger bit sizes to prevent collisions. SHA-256 is the default of GPG since version 2.1 and later. We will be explicitly declaring our encryption cipher in this guide, to ensure stronger protection against attacks and better overall security for your encrypted data.
In each of the following command examples, replace the italic placeholders with the appropriate filenames and/or password.
Installing GPG:
sudo apt install gnupg
sudo dnf install gnupg
Encrypting with AES-256:
gpg --batch --passphrase yourpassword --symmetric --cipher-algo AES256 --s2k-digest-algo SHA256 -o file.aes.gpg file.txt
Encrypting with Blowfish:
gpg --batch --passphrase yourpassword --symmetric --cipher-algo BLOWFISH --s2k-digest-algo SHA256 -o file.blowfish.gpg file.txt
Encrypting with Twofish:
gpg --batch --passphrase yourpassword --symmetric --cipher-algo TWOFISH --s2k-digest-algo SHA256 -o file.twofish.gpg file.txt
Decrypting files:
gpg --batch --passphrase yourpassword --decrypt -o file.txt file.aes.gpg
Replace file.aes.gpg with the appropriate encrypted file name for your encrypted AES, Blowfish, or Twofish file.
How to encrypt/decrypt files and folders with EncFS
EncFS uses PBKDF2 (Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2) for encrypting files with an AES cipher. PBKDF2 uses an internal pseudorandom function (PRF) and iterates it many times over a password and salt.
Installing EncFS
sudo apt install encfs
sudo dnf install encfs
Encrypting files
Create your encrypted directory:
mkdir ~/encrypted
Create your directory to mount the unencrypted data:
mkdir ~/decrypted
Initialize EncFS:
encfs ~/encrypted ~/decrypted
The directories must be empty. If they are not, EncFS will exit with an error. If the force flag is given, the files that existed in either directory will be lost.
Follow the prompts:
Standard mode uses an AES Key Size of 192 bits, and PBKDFS2 with a .5 second runtime and 160 bit salt.
Paranoia mode uses an AES Key Size of 256 bits, and PBKDFS2 with a 3 second runtime. Paranoia will be more secure, but will take much longer for encrypting and decrypting larger files.
Copy your files into the decrypted directory:
cp file.blowfish.gpg ~/decrypted
💡 Yes, you can encrypt an already-encrypted file for extra security!
Unmount the encrypted filesystem:
fusermount -u ~/decrypted
Now the decrypted directory will show as empty, and the files within the encrypted directory can not be read.
Decrypting files:
encfs ~/encrypted ~/decrypted
The encrypted files are once again seen in the decrypted folder after entering the correct password.
Securely deleting files with Shred and SRM
If you want to prevent the original (unencrypted) file/folder can not be recovered on the machine with data-recovery software, then it’s important to securely delete the file. Using rm
wouldn’t be enough as the metadata (data blocks and inodes) still exist on the disk until they are overwritten by new data.
Shred and SRM are two common tools for securely removing files from a Linux system, preventing them from being recovered. Shred is faster, but less secure, and can only remove individual files (not directories). SRM is more comprehensive and secure, and in return, slower.
Deleting a file with Shred
Install Shred:
sudo apt install coreutils
sudo dnf install coreutils
Shred a file:
shred -uzn 5 file.txt
- -u removes the file after overwriting
- -z overwrites with zeroes to hide shredding
- -n 5 overwrites the file 5 times
Deleting a file with SRM
Install SRM:
sudo apt install secure-delete
sudo dnf install secure-delete
Security remove a file:
srm -z file.txt
Securely remove a directory:
srm -rz folder/